Hiroshima Utangarðsmenn

Hiroshima is a music video that I made for one of Icelands biggest musicians Bubbi Mortheins and the band Utangarðsmenn. The song came out in 1980 but had no music video. I wanted to make a video for the song because I felt that the songs message has never been as relevant as it is today. At a time when war is still rampant in the world, it has never been more important to point out its futility.

I storyboarded a lot for the video and here on the right are some of my notes and drawings. When delving into this project I took inspirations from lots of different places but the three main influences were Terry Gilliam, Salvador Dali and SouthPark.

I really liked incorporating practical elements into the video. For example, here on you see a behind the scenes photo of how I did the paper ripping eyes effect for the video. I painted two white ping pong balls and then animated them tearing through the paper. This was inspired by a similar effect done in Jan Švankmajers - The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia.

Here you see a behind the scenes photo of how I did the acid dripping effect. I again used a practical element and then changed the color and removed the background in post.


SKUGGI (short film)


Behind the Town (documentary)